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laufende Bachelorarbeiten

Aktuelle Publikationen

Schubatzky, T., Haagen-Schützenhöfer, C., Wackermann, R., Wöhlke, C. & Wildbichler S.: Navigating the complexities of student understanding: Exploring the coherency of students' conceptions about the greenhouse effect. In: Science Education. 1-28. 2024.

Bernsteiner, A., Schubatzky, T. & Haagen-Schützenhöfer, C.: Förderung eines kritischen Umgangs mit (Des-)Informationen durch aktive Inokulation und Debunking. In: Graulich, N., Arnold, J., Sorge, S. & Kubsch, M. (Hrsg.): Lehrkräftebildung von morgen. 2024. S. 247-254.

Haagen-Schützenhöfer, C., Obczovsky, M., & Kislinger, P.: Design-based research–Tension between practical relevance and knowledge generation–What can we learn from projects?. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 20(1), em2378, 2024. 

Feser, M. S., & Haagen-Schützenhöfer, C.: A minority language as language of instruction in the science classroom: A case study of a science teacher teaching at a German-speaking school in Namibia. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 19(12), em2372, 2023. 


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