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Third-party research projects led by Astrid Veronig

Time Range Title Funding Agency
07/2021 - 06/2023 ESA SWESNET, Space Weather Service Network Development and Pre-Operation Part 1 ESA
04/2020 - 03/2023 FWF SO/STIX FWF
01/2019 - 12/2022 H2020 SOLARNET - Integrating High Resolution Solar Physics EU-H2020
03/2017 - 06/2021 P3-SWE-II Solar Weather ESC Extension ESA
Time Range Title Funding Agency

01/2017 - 12/2020

STIX/Solar Orbiter - Austrian contribution: Phase 3 ESA Prodex
10/2018 - 09/2020 Solar and stellar CMEs: characterization by coronal dimmings-SSCME FFG - ASAP 14
10/2014- 12/2018 Initiation of solar flares: reconnection, heating and particle acceleration FWF
04/2015 - 03/2018 Diagnostics of coronal dimmings associated with solar coronal mass ejections (CORDIM) FFG - ASAP 11
09/2015 - 05/2017 Space Weather Expert Service Centres: Definition and Development (P2-SWE-I) ESA
02/2012 - 04/2017 Large-scale EUV waves: dynamics, driver and plasma properties FWF
05/2013 - 12/2016 STIX/Solar Orbiter - Austrian contribution: Phase 2 ESA Prodex
03/2011 - 02/2014 CMEs ans SEPs: forecasting the space weather Impact (COMESEP) EU-FP7
10/2010 - 11/2013 High energy solar physics data in europe (HESPE) EU-FP7
08/2012 - 08/2013 SN IV-2 Space Weather Precursor Services Operations: Ground based H-alpha Monitoring Service ESA
07/2012 - 04/2013 STIX/Solar Orbiter - Austrian contribution: Phase 1 ESA Prodex
06/2008 - 05/2011 Large scale waves and shocks in the solar corona FWF
04/2009 - 04/2011 Dynamics of solar flares and coronal mass ejections FFG



Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr.rer.nat.

Astrid Veronig

Institut für Physik
Phone:+43 316 380 - 8609

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