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Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics

Relativistic quantum field theory is the theory of elementary particles. These can be created and destroyed in the subatomic range. One of the basic problems is how to compute properties of the building blocks of atoms, the protons and neutrons, from the original simple and beautiful field equations of the building stones: the quarks and the gluons. 

The corresponding quantum field theory is Quantum Chromodynamics. The methods to compute particle properties from that theory involve continuum methods as well as formulation on a space-time lattice. Both approaches are research topics of the group. These methods are also applied to Higgs physics and its extensions beyond the standard model.

Theoretical Solid State Physics

The solid-state theory group concerns itself with the theoretical analysis of fundamental physical properties of and dynamic phenomena in solids, with emphasis on electronic and optical properties, quantum transport and tunneling, as well as coherent and optimal control in nanostructures. 

Head of the Department

Univ.-Prof. Dr.rer.nat.

Thomas Weiss

Phone:+43 316 380 - 5228

nach Vereinbarung


currently not occupied

Office for study affairs


Birgit Stessl

Phone:+43 316 380 - 5225

Tuesday and Wednesday: 08.00 - 12.00 a.m.(room 0246)


Institute of Physics
Department of Theoretical Physics
Universitätsplatz 5, 1st floor
8010 Graz

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