Department of Theoretical Physics
From light and solids to the principles of nature
The department of Theoretical Physics covers the whole range of theoretical physics in its teaching, as well as the necessary mathematics lectures and the field of computational physics. Research covers the areas of theoretical solid-state physics and naonoptics, as well as particle physics and its applications to astrophysics.
Doctoral Academy - Consortia
Doctoral Academy Consortium "Theoretical Particle Physics"
Doctoral Academy NanoGraz
Paul Urban Scholarship Foundation
for Theoretical Physics at the University of Graz
The purpose of this foundation is to award scholarships to students of Theoretical Physics and to younger staff members of the Department of Theoretical Physics of the Institute of Physics at the University of Graz to cover expenses for participation in scientific conferences and/or shorter research stays abroad, as well as to external scientists to finance guest stays which are useful for current or planned research projects of the Institute.
The annual program budget is € 3,000.00. There is no time limit for the submission of documents.

Management and Office Management
| +43 316 380 - 5228 nach Vereinbarung |
| +43 316 380 - 5225 Montag bis Donnerstag, 09.00 bis 11.00 Uhr |
| +43 316 380 - 1629 Mo.- Do. 9.00-14.00 Uhr sowie Fr. 9.00-12.00 Uhr |