
Physik im Kloster: Stift Kremsmünster

At first look it seems unusual to look for physical science in a monastery. But in fact the oldest and longest continuous existing series of meteorological measurements with air pressure and temperature, which continues until today, in Austria has not been started in one of the Universities, but from monks in a monastery. The same is btw. true also for observations of the Sun and in particular of sunspots. In particular, the Austrian imperial and royal maps that were created before the standardization on to the Greenwich meridian, had a reference point within Austria. For practical reasons this had to be a place where also astronomical observations were possible, in order to be able to determine the local noon and therefore also a reference point in time besides the spatial reference. All this was possible in Austria already in 1762 at the Kremsmünster monastery. Their archives do have a high value not only for the research of the long-term variability of the Sun, but also for long-term changes in the climate over hundreds of years. This is the reason why a group from the Institute’s department of astro- and geophysics found it only logical to visit the monastery Kremsmünster.

From Kudu to Panther – International Structured Light and Matter Conference Coming to Graz

After a successful bid, the next edition of the International Conference on Optical Angular Momentum (ICOAM) – the most important conference of the structured light scientific communities – will be held in Graz, Austria in 2026.

Polarization-based traffic control for light

By using light’s polarization as a control knob, an international collaboration of researchers from Canada, Mexico, Germany and Austria experimentally demonstrate and theoretically interpret tunable directional routing of light.

Bend as you please

Geometry is key to the optical properties of plasmonic nanoparticles. Except when it isn’t.

Sunnier and warmer: what the weather station at the University of Graz reveals

Anyone calling up the official weather for Graz ends up at the University of Graz. This is because the meteorological station, in cooperation with GeoSphere Austria, provides the current values for the provincial capital, which can be found on many media portals - including the footer of the University of Graz website.

iSCAT for all

Scientists from Graz and Wien develop simulation software for interferometric scattering microscopy

Physik-Lehramtsstudierende empfangen Schüler:innen

Schüler:innen der HLW Deutschlandsberg besuchen Uni Graz für Workshop

On the 180th anniversary of Ludwig Boltzmann's birth: Physics building receives award

The physics building at Universitätsplatz 5 received a special distinction: it was included as number 75 in the "Historic Sites" of the European Physical Society. And this just in the 180th year of the birth of the University of Graz researcher Ludwig Boltzmann