Facets of Physics is a series of lectures aimed at anyone interested in physics, in particular school pupils, students studying to become physics teachers and teachers at AHS, BHS and NMS. In 8 lectures per year, experts present current and exciting topics from the field of physics research, with the latest Nobel Prize in Physics being presented in the last lecture of the year.
Lecture hall HS 05.12
every Wednesday at 5 pm
Program preview
Winter semester 2024/25
06.11.2024 | Andreas Trügler | Arktische Gletscher, Klimawandel und KI – Ein Einblick in moderne Polarforschung in Grönland |
04.12.2024 | Andreas Windisch | Physiknobelpreis 2024 - Lernen mit künstlichen neuronalen Netzwerken |
12.03.2025 | Reinhard Kleindl | Zeitreisen |
05.06.2025 | Barbara Schuppler | Die Akustik von Stimme und Sprache: Wie verstehen wir die Bedeutung von Wörtern? Und wie macht das eine KI? |
The lecture series "Facets of Physics" is organized by the Institute of Physics and the Regional Didactics Centre for Physics Styria . If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact one of the organizers.
| +43 316 380 - 5227 |
| +43 316 380 - 8609 |
| +43 316 380 - 5207 |
| +43 316 380 - 5246 |

If you would like to receive a short abstract on the current topic about a week before the lectures, you can subscribe to the following mailing list. If you like the lectures, we would be pleased if you would recommend us to others.