In an article, which appeared in Physical Review D, conceptual improvements in the calculation of event rates at collider experiments have been made. This article is based on a master thesis. The improvements modify the rate of events, e.g. for the currently discussed FCC-ee at CERN, by a few percent. The FCC-ee would be 100km accelerator, colliding electrons and positrons. This is important for the design studies currently underway. It allows to size the experiments correctly. In addition, such changes can influence, whether proposals for possible new particles and interactions could be observed at such a facility. By this, this work is a contribution of the University of Graz to this design study, in agreement with the memorandum of understanding agreed upon with the FCC collaboration last year.
In this work it was also shown that even at the currently running LHC collider at CERN effects can be expected. However, the effects are much smaller at LHC. They therefore require much more additional data. With the high luminosity upgrade of the LHC towards the end of the decade, this should be possible to do.
Link: Phys. Rev. D 108, 013001 (2023) -