Many life forms on this planet, including us humans of course, are driven by light. Light regulates, guides, protects, and serves as a means of communication. Over the last 4 months (February-May) and in the framework of numerous outreach events organized by the University of Graz, members of the group OpNaQ, together with a highly interested and fascinated public, celebrated the science and importance of light, its colors, other properties, and manifestations. The presentations and interactive activities had something to offer for everybody, from the assembly of DIY pocket spectrometers all the way to the discussion of optical cloaking and invisibility.
Many thanks to all participants, organizers, and the many highly motivated OpNaQ group members. We look forward to the next opportunities to explain and illustrate exciting topics.
Openhouse Graz
Vortragsreihe vita.activa
OpNaQ Gruppenwebseite
Peter Banzer (peter.banzer(at)