DELPHI - Deep Learning and Philosophy

Between September 16 and 18, 2024, the international and interdisciplinary DELPHI Conference will take place at the University of Graz, open to anyone interested. Researchers from the fields of mathematics, physics, philosophy, neuroinformatics, computational social sciences, and neural engineering will discuss the applications of AI in current research. Additionally, experts in digital law and AI ethics, including employees from Microsoft, will talk about the challenges of AI in their respective fields.

The DELPHI Project

The Use of AI in Science: Potentials and Risks

Artificial intelligence (AI) has already infiltrated our daily lives through tools like ChatGPT, self-driving cars, facial recognition, and as a tool for recruitment in companies. In the realm of basic scientific research, AI algorithms like deep learning are also being widely utilized. However, there is no general consensus on how to handle data generated by AI or how to approach the ethical and legal questions related to AI.

The project "DeLPhi - Deep Learning in Natural Sciences and Philosophy," funded by the Styrian government, is dedicated to interdisciplinary questions regarding the use of AI in science, business, and society. Led by mathematician, physicist, and philosopher Isabell Piantschitsch, and philosopher and physicist Philipp Berghofer (both from the University of Graz), the project brings together experts from various disciplines to discuss the vast potential and possible risks of using AI in science and everyday life. In the latest episode of the Uni Graz podcast “Treffen sich zwei …”, Dr. Piantschitsch and Dr. Berghofer talk about their joint project and the synergy effects that collaboration between philosophers and physicists can create.

The conference aims to bring together experts from the natural sciences, humanities, law, and business to facilitate a comprehensive and interdisciplinary discussion on the current use of AI in all areas of life. Everyone interested is warmly invited to attend the lectures, and no prior registration is required. Further details about the conference program can be found on the DELPHI Conference website.