
Experiencing a heat record: summer 2024 at the University of Graz

A look back at the average temperatures of this year's meteorological summer (1 June to 31 August 2024) on campus makes you listen up: New record values for the months of July and August, the average temperature for the summer was only just surpassed by the "summer of the century" in 2003.

Tip electronics

Atomic force microscopy for measuring the photocurrents of quantum dots

Architektin Hemma Fasch über das Graz Center of Physics

Das „Graz Center of Physics“ ist eines der größten Universitätsbauprojekte Österreichs. Für die architektonische Gestaltung zeichnet das Architekturbüro fasch&fuchs.architekten verantwortlich. Architektin Hemma Fasch erklärt, wie sie einladende Gesten, Fahrradkultur und Grünraum dreidimensional umgesetzt hat.

Hunga eruption changes the atmosphere: researchers show effects

Less than a week ago, lava began to bubble up from the earth again in Iceland. In Sicily, Mount Etna does not come to rest. The eruption of a volcano can have massive consequences for a region. But its breath can also reach far beyond. During the eruption of Hunga in January 2022, the largest volcanic event of the 21st century to date, an unprecedented amount of water vapour was released into the upper atmosphere. Researchers from the Wegener Center at the University of Graz, in collaboration with colleagues from the USA, have investigated the changes in these high layers of air. They found an exceptional cooling of the stratosphere. This has far-reaching effects on the atmosphere and the climate. The study has recently been published in Communications Earth & Environment.

New findings provide basis for innovative material development

If we strive for ever thinner materials, we eventually reach the two-dimensional (2D) limit, where the material is only a few atoms or even just one atom thin. These materials acquire unique mechanical, electronic and optical properties that hold great potential for innovative technologies, for example for energy conversion and storage. Physicists from the University of Graz and Forschungszentrum Jülich have now achieved a breakthrough in the development and characterisation of so-called 2D-MOFs, a special type of two-dimensional material. The scientists published their results in the renowned journals ACS Nano and Advanced Science.

Auf der Sonnenseite: Top-Preise der Sonnenphysik für Uni-Graz-Doktoranden

In den Weiten des Weltraums ist er als Forscher daheim. Seit kurzem auch in den Weiten der internationalen Forschungscommunity. Robert Jarolim von der Universität Graz erhält für seine Doktorarbeit zwei der renommiertesten Sonnenphysik-Awards. Am 12. August 2024 wurde er von der Internationalen Astronomischen Union in Kapstadt prämiert, im September zeichnet ihn die European Physical Society in Turin aus.

Our trainee impressed with his commitment and talent

As part of the FAN "FerialArbeitNehmer:innen" project, a highly motivated trainee worked at our institute in July.

Pretty close to the sun

At 1526 metres above sea level, the Kanzelhöhe observatory is probably the highest workplace at the University of Graz. A team led by astrophysicist Astrid Veronig observes how the sun behaves and how it influences space weather.